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The subject that I enjoyed the most and that I took this semester was "Culture of classical architecture", and that unfortunately I only had once a week. In general, they were expository classes, taught by Rodrigo Booth, which only notes were taken, which later helped us to  develop the theoritical work, with the exception of some occasions where the work was practical.

This subject proposed to revisit the idea of the classical in architecture overtime, and for this the origin of the classical form in Greek and Roman antiquity is analyzed, and its reinterpretation from the renaissance to the contemporary world. Among the topic could be found the history of classical architecture in Greece and Rome, and its various emblematics constructions, the transition of this type of architecture from antiquity  to the renaissance and from the renaissence to the modern era.

Personally, I avoid any history subject but this one in particular I liked a lot because I was able to know and learn about the begennings of architecture, where it comes from, how it is presented and how I was recognize it not only in old building or ruins, but also in modern constructions. 


  1. Hi Karen, the truth is the subject sounds very interesting,it is a shame that you only have it once a week.
    to me everything that contains history is interesting

  2. Hi Karen! I see that we were classmates without knowing it. Personally, it was also one of the courses that I liked the most. For me, it was very interesting to have an architectural vision of these different periods, because I only had historical knowledge or I only knew the history of thought in these different periods.
    It's impressive how in a period of 2 to 3 centuries a society has had an impact on the subsequent millennia to the present day.

  3. Hello Karen! I took this subject last year, and it was one of my favorites, there we can learn many things about ancient culture and its architectural perception. I remember that our teacher recommended us a modern Italian film and how the monuments of ancient Rome made a composition in each scene, it was one of the work that I enjoyed the most.

  4. Hello dear Karen, reading your post I realize that you liked the subject and I'm sorry for the short time you spent on it, but at least you learned and that's what really matters.


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